Mother Nature blessed us with two amazing 70+ degree back-to-back days this month. Beach days in the winter are almost unheard of, but every now and again, that unicorn comes sailing in on the pirate ship bringing the warm breezes that send locals flinging open their windows and ditching their duties to answer the siren call of the ocean. I’ve seen many a shop closed in my days due to swell, but while the warm weather entices everyone to go outdoors some people are tied inside due to their schedule. This makes Happy Hour the perfect time to pour a cocktail, kick off your shoes, and head to the beach.
Many photographers refer to late afternoon/early evening as the “golden hour” as the natural light sparkles off the ocean and casts a gorgeous glow on the objects below. Whether you are shooting photographs or not, there is something magical about the combo of February and the fading light that just brings a warm, happy feeling to your soul. On an uncrowded beach, listening to the sounds of the ocean lapping in and the fading calls of the gulls. Watching your children kick off their shoes and then proceeding to get sand in every crevice possible while rolling down the dunes and not even caring about the bath that will proceed. Throwing the ball for the 163rd time and watching your pups ears flap in the wind while retrieving it. Sipping on a cold cocktail with the warm feeling of your loved ones hand in yours. The moments like these make the small closets, summer traffic and inability to buy miso paste in a grocery store all worthwhile.
Cheers from our tiny speck of paradise on this February day- the beer is cold, the sun is shining and the ocean is waiting for you to answer it’s call.